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Friday, November 11, 2016

Rising Cost for Consumers

The merger between AT&T and Time Warner could have costly implications that affect cable customers all across the country. One such implication could be rising cost in cable service for competitors of AT&T. By owning the content and flow of distribution, AT&T could charge higher prices to competitors like Comcast and Cox Communications for the distribution of their programs. This rising cost would most definitely trickle down to the consumers who would begin to see higher monthly rates for their services.
Click here for The New York Times article

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Merger Means Bad News For Americans

Mergers and acquisitions are words thrown around in the corporate world that deal with big business. This usually involves two companies coming together and agreeing to combine their business as one. Most recently, AT&T has been trying to acquire Time Warner to the tune of an $85 billion dollar buy out. AT&T controls a good portion of the wireless communications system with over 130 million U.S. customers. They also provide television services to over 25 million households. The Time Warner corporation owns Warner Bros. movie studio and many cable networks such as CNN, HBO, and TBS. The proposed merger would allow AT&T to gain ownership over Time Warner and create a mass media concentration that falls into the hands of a few powerful people. These people can then control the flow of information as to who sees it, and how.  Such power ultimately leads to corruption and every American should be concerned about the risk this poses to our private information being in the hands of a powerful corporation.